The European Database of Seismogenic Faults

Number of references: 7
Author Year Title Reference
Goldsworthy M. and Jackson J. 2001 Migration of activity within normal fault systems: examples from the Quaternary of mainland Greece J. Struct. Geol., 23, 489-506
Jackson J. 1999 Fault death: a perspective from actively deforming regions. J. Struct. Geol., 21, 1003-1010
Kokkalas S., Xypolias P., Koukouvelas I. and Doutsos T. 2006 Postcollisional contractional and extensional deformation in the Aegean region. Geol. Soc. Am., Special Paper 409, 97-123
Papoulia J., Makris J. and Drakopoulou V. 2006 Local seismic array observations at north Evoikos, central Greece, delineate crustal deformation between the North Aegean Trough and Corinthiakos Rift. Tectonophysics, 423, 97-106.
Roberts G.P. and Ganas A. 2000 Fault-slip directions in central and southern Greece measured from striated and corrugated fault planes: Comparison with focal mechanism and geodetic data. J. Geophys. Res., 105(B10), 23443-23462
Roberts S. and Jackson J. 1991 Active normal faulting in central Greece: an overview. Geol. Soc. London, Spec. Publ., 56, 125-142.
Valkaniotis S. 2009 Correlation between neotectonic structures and seismicity in the broader area of Gulf of Corinth (Central Greece). Unpublished PhD thesis (in Greek), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 241 pp.