The European Database of Seismogenic Faults

Number of references: 8
Author Year Title Reference
Doutsos T. and Kokkalas S. 2001 Stress and deformation patterns in the Aegean region J. Struct. Geol., 23, 455-472
Goldsworthy M. and Jackson J. 2001 Migration of activity within normal fault systems: examples from the Quaternary of mainland Greece J. Struct. Geol., 23, 489-506
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Jolivet L. 1993 Extension of thickened continental crust, from brittle to ductile deformation: examples from Alpine Corsica and Aegean Sea. Ann. Geofis., 36(2), 139-153
Kokkalas S., Xypolias P., Koukouvelas I. and Doutsos T. 2006 Postcollisional contractional and extensional deformation in the Aegean region. Geol. Soc. Am., Special Paper 409, 97-123
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Roberts G.P. and Ganas A. 2000 Fault-slip directions in central and southern Greece measured from striated and corrugated fault planes: Comparison with focal mechanism and geodetic data. J. Geophys. Res., 105(B10), 23443-23462