The European Database of Seismogenic Faults

Number of references: 14
Author Year Title Reference
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Brozzetti, F., P. Boncio, D. Di Naccio, G. Lavecchia, D.P. Tinari, L. Torelli, M. Bernini, E. Eva and S. Solarino 2007 A multidisciplinary approach to the seismotectonics of the Lunigiana and Garfagnana extensional basins (northern Tuscany, Italy). Rend. Soc. Geol. It., Nuova Serie, 5, 88-89 .
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Di Naccio, D., P. Boncio, F. Brozzetti and F. J. Pazzaglia 2009 Morphotectonics of the Lunigiana-Garfagnana Plio-Quaternary grabens (Northern Apennines). Rendiconti online Soc. Geol. It., 5, 70-72.
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Slejko, D., A. Caporali, M. Stirling and S. Barba 2010 Occurrence probability of moderate to large earthquakes in Italy based on new geophysical methods. J. Seismol., 14, 27-51, 10.1007/s10950-009-9175-x.
Solarino, S. 2007 Final Report of RU 2.18. In "Assessing the seismogenic potential and the probability of strong earthquakes in Italy", Project funded within the 2004-2006 agreement between INGV and the Italian Civil Defence.